Why would a train lead me to a Fly?

Brass Frog Photography, portraits, pictures, south jersey, vineland, new jersey, family, children, head shot
So, if you follow my blog, you will know that my partner is an avid model railroader.  At a recent expo, he bought me, no not diamonds, more structures for my train layout.  Most girls would be like??? but me? I'm thrilled to have more things for my section of track.  One of the things he brought home was a "Fly Photography Gallery" building.  He told me that this was a part of the "O.K. Corral shootout".  Being a bit of a history buff, I had to research it.  C.S. Fly was pretty cool.  He took many incredible photographs especially considering the time frame and the tools he had to do so.  This led me on a hunt of other great photographers of the 1800s.  How cool to look back at these amazing photographers and realize just how far photography has come!  But also to see how awesome these photographers were.
Everyone thinks they are photographers now, every phone has a camera, why hire a professional?  Well, photographers study, they study aperture, shutter speed and a whole lot of other things to make a photograph great!  Check out some of C.S. Fly's work, I'm inspired, how about you?
Need a photographer? Consider hiring us.
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