Feeling Beautiful

Brass frog photography, portraits, head shot, new jersey, south jersey, photographer, new jersey, NJ, Vineland, weddings, engagements, senior, tweens, teens, toddlers, family, children
Feeling Beautiful
Ever come from the beauty salon (or guys from the barber) and just feel like wow! I look amazing! I wish I was going some place so the whole world could see me!

Why not feel that way everyday?  Portraits are a great way to build your self esteem.  I hear so many times - "I'll get it done when I lose 5 pounds", etc.  Don't you think the people around you know what you already look like and think you are beautiful? Don't you think your loved one would love to have a beautiful portrait of you on their desk or in their wallet (do people still do that?)??
You are beautiful, show your beauty, feel good about yourself and start to love yourself!
Schedule your appointment (get your hair done first if you want)
twitter @brassfrogphoto
email: brassfrogphotography@yahoo.com
text/call: 856.861.5190
