Just Looking
Please note, no one or train got injured in the making of this blog. Seriously, we never put ourselves in danger, we (well Barry) has studied trains for many years and knows what to look for, etc. We take photographs from safe locations.
This is what goes into Railfan photography, or this could be called why we Railfan!
So when we Railfan, we meet many interesting characters, some talk to us, some choose to ignore us, but make interesting photographs. It seems this day, this gentleman enjoyed watching the trains as much as we did, but, alas he did so without a camera, just his cigarette and beer. Maybe we could learn something from this simplicity - no cameras, just enjoy the trains as though go by - right! ha! that's funny, us without cameras. Good joke!
Another way we get the perfect train pictures is a bit unconventional - I can't show you the pictures I have of someone going in a members only place - but this photo shows just the great lengths we go through for just the right picture. ( I personally love this one, he looks so cute - just like a kid - chasing his trains) Note! We always stay safe.
The seemingly most easiest way to get Railfan art - well the safest anyway, is with model railroading. The Strasburg Model Railroad Club has painstakingly recreated the Strasburg Railroad - every detail is the same. So I've even tried my hand at photographing their model to try to make it look real. You tell me, does it do it justice? (Learn more about the Strasburg Model Railroad Club by visiting www.strasburgmodelrailroad.com or www.facebook.com/strasburgmodelrailroadnj)
Be sure to join us this weekend at the Greenberg (Edison) Train Show!
email: brassfrogphotography@yahoo.com
twitter @brassfrogphoto
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