Milestone Shoots - the Teen Years
Capturing the true teen |
Capturing the true teen |
The best advice I ever got when I had my first child was from my Aunt "enjoy them while they are young, they grow so quick". Everyone knows a child grows quickly, but you don't realize how quickly until your baby is suddenly almost 20.
Everyone photographs their baby that first year - 1, 3, 6 & 12 months are all captured and hung lovingly on the wall. Then yearly... but what about capturing your teen? They grow too, they change, sometimes daily! Sure those school photos are ok, but what about capturing their true spirit, the one that shines when they aren't in school?
Don't forget, soon your teen will be out of the house and gone. Capture them now - hang them on the wall - it will do wonders for their self-esteem too!
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