Costumes are coming!

Are your dance costumes coming?  Yes, I'm sure you will have pictures done at the school (if you would like to book us to come and do your school pictures, give us a call btw), but why not have "stylized" dance portraits that bring out your child's personality.  Now, dance pictures in school are fine (we take some you know) and they look great on your wall, showcasing every year (for me 14 years... I think) your child has danced.  Why not add some art to your wall though?  Grab your favorite dancer (ok make sure they are your child or related) and their favorite costume or two and make an appointment with Brass Frog Photography!  Waiting til your costumes come in?  Make your appointment anyway, you won't want to wait!
Call 856-535-1367 or or
Why are you still sitting here reading this?  I know you are saying "oh I should do that" - so do it! Operators are standing by to take your call - wait that is the fundraising days in me coming out!  I personally take every call that comes in (or sometimes my husband answers) and give you the personalized service you deserve.  Don't forget your sons!  If they are dancers we can offer personalized service for them.
OH YOU FORGOT! Didn't you??? We can do any stylized portrait you may have from baseball or soccer or football (go EAGLES), or even badminton.  Whatever it is you may want captured, let's discuss your vision and then make it a reality.
Get your appointment on  the books!  Don't lose the opportunity! 856-535-1367 (BTW did I mention??? We can come to you or you can come to the studio???)
dancer, black and white, dance, ballet, costume, stage, dance portraits, millville nj, vineland nj, new jersey, near you
Dancer Anticipating
