Size Does Matter!!

When you go to a fast food restaurant (if you do), the SUPER SIZE always seems like the best value, right?

Americans have to have the BIGGEST, BEST car, TV, refrigerators, beds, bathrooms, houses – you get the idea right?  Just turn on any HGTV show or any cooking show and we all have to have THE BIGGEST – let’s outdo our neighbor mentality – even the fastest internet…

But the funny thing is, you look around people’s homes and what is the one thing that stands out as the biggest item in the home – the TV.  Even taking the place of prominence over the fireplace, replacing the family portrait.

When someone looks around your home, what do you want them to know is important to you?  Yes, you have a 55 inch flat screen tv – but is that what is important?? What size family portrait do you have in your home??? An 8×10???

Step out of the box, go big!  Try a 16×20 print in a 20×30 frame – STUNNING!  Go bigger still!  But Dorine, you say, that’s expensive!!! So I would ask, how much did you spend on your flat screen TV, your refrigerator, your computer – that will all last only a short time – professionally printed portraiture will last longer than you if properly taken care of.

Size does matter!  Go big!  Go see your favorite photographer (Brass Frog Photography) and get a new family portrait done today!

Below is some new portrait work I have done – LARGE! They are great this big!

The Bigger the Better!
